Changeover Unit CVS

Changeover Unit CVS

For a perfect dosing result

The supply of chlorine from a dosing system with only one cylinder or battery inevitably leads to failure of the chlorination when empty and requires personnel in order to change cylinders. The CVS meets this demand and also operates without any auxiliary energy whatsoever. For a changeover, it is sufficient for the injector to lower the vacuum below the normal range because of the empty cylinder.


Changeover Unit CVS

  • Scope of application with chlorine gas up to 10 kg/h
  • For chlorine gas, hydrogen chloride, carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide
  • Compact design
  • Safe operation with vacuum technology
  • Without auxiliary power
  • Without intervention from personnel
  • Simple wall mounting
  • Optional position feedback via reed relays
  • Adjustable switch-point

Further product views

Flow rate with chlorine gaskg/h up to 10
Operating pressurebar -1 to 0 (vacuum)
Switch-pointbar -0.3
Operating temperature°C 0 – 55
Connections PVC-screw connection DN 15, Hose Connection 8/12 or 12/16
Weightkg approx. 1.0

Subject to technical changes


BA: Operation instruction
PI: Product information


Click the link to request a quote.

Lutz-JESCO America Corp.
55 Bermar Park
Rochester, NY 14624
Toll-Free: +1-800-554-2762
Fax: +1-585-426-4025


Outside the U.S.
Tel.: +1-585-426-0990